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What’s Happening

Power Patrol Meeting

03/07/14 Olson Elementary

Students took a group picture for the website. They put up some more posters communicating messages about how we can help the environment.

Power Patrol Meeting

03/05/14 Thoreau Elementary

At today’s meeting we tried to each set up an account for Cool Choices. It was hard! We now have permission to go on Power Patrols on our own time. Our first Patrol will be tomorrow at lunch recess. Isla is in charge. Then, we emptied the drink pouch bin in the lunch room and took pictures!

February Power Patrol

02/25/14 Falk Elementary

The power patrol was on the move today. Did they stop by your room? You may have received special notes and stickerss from the Patrol. Thanks for saving energy in your rooms.

User Submission

02/21/14 Lowell Elementary

Tape the Power Patrol sticky notes onto a piece of white paper, laminate, cut, and we have reusing, reducing, and recycling in Audit Action!

Emergency Meeting

02/14/14 Thoreau Elementary

Today we had an emergency Power Patrol meeting. Family Literacy Night is coming up and we are working with the custodian to make sure the recycling bins are put out. At our last family event, the Family Dance, we noticed hundreds of recyclables going in the regular trash - just because there were no bins out! So, today we made posters to put up next week at the family event and Ms. Betsy talked with Bonita, our nighttime custodian to make sure she can help!

Kilowatt Kisses

02/13/14 Crestwood Elementary

Third graders in Mrs. Kennedy’s class delivered a different kind of valentine this year - kilowatt kisses. To earn one, teachers and classes around the school had to explain ways they save energy in their classrooms each day. Way to go Crestwood!!!

Recycling Survey

02/13/14 Muir Elementary

On Monday, our Power Patrol interviewed the principal and the lead custodian about recycling. The kids learned that we do a pretty good job of recycling.


02/11/14 Olson Elementary

Many of our students and teachers took the Pledge this week!

New Posters!

02/10/14 Lowell Elementary

One 2nd grade class helped decide where the new "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" posters should go for best exposure.

Kilowatt Kiss

02/07/14 Lowell Elementary

We began using the Kilowatt Kisses for our Power Patrols for the week leading up to Valentine’s Day.